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Public Academy of Social Sciences will continue in 2023

12 December 2022

Polarization, sustainable behaviour, growing up in a family with severe problems, and mental health labels. These topics were addressed during the past months in the Public Academy of Social Sciences. The first season has ended and will have a sequel in 2023.

Broad public

In the Public Academy of Social Sciences, researchers from various units of the Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences talk about their research. In addition to the researchers, experience experts and people who deal with the topic in their work also get to speak. The purpose of the lecture series is to share the research that is being done at the Faculty with a wide audience. The lectures are about socially relevant themes.

Full lecture halls

The first season of the Public Academy took place at the Groninger Forum. The Rabo Studio − a lecture hall with about 230 seats − was (nearly) full during all four episodes. Apart from a handful of UG employees, the lectures were mainly attended by visitors from outside the university.

Good assessment

The short online questionnaire that the visitors filled out after attending showed that the lectures were rated well: the average score was a 7.7 on a scale from 1 to 10. Visitors also indicated that they were satisfied with the level of the lectures.

Sequel in 2023

Reason enough for the faculty board to decide to continue the Public Academy in 2023. Behind the scenes, preparations for this second season are already underway. The first episode will take place in May 2023. Keep an eye on the website for more information.

Want to watch or listen again?

All episodes of the first season of the Public Academy can be viewed on Youtube. The episodes are also available as podcasts on Spotify. The episodes are available in Dutch only.

Last modified:13 December 2022 09.28 a.m.
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