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What can I study?

The Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences offers a selection of modules taught in English, open to exchange students, in various fields of study:

  • Psychology
  • Pedagogical and Educational Sciences
  • Sociology

In the Exchange Guide you can find all modules for exchange students sorted by field of interest. Please read the instructions on how to choose your courses carefully, and notice the level indications and the prerequisites. As changes due to timetable overlap etc. may occur, we advise you to choose a few extra courses.

The Course Overview for academic year 2017-2018 has not been finalised yet. We advise you to choose courses based on the preliminary Course Overview for the first semester of 2017-2018. Please check this website and the online catalogue from time to time to see if there are any changes to this overview.

Available courses

English-taught modules

In the Faculty Behavioural and Social Sciences many courses are taught in English and are open to exchange students. For second or third-year courses, there are often specific entry requirements. This means that you need a certain grounding in that particular field of study, such as an introductory course at home. This should be apparent from your transcript of records which you send to the Mobility Office together with the other application documents in your online application. For fourth-year (Master’s) courses, you need a BA in the relevant field of study. You can find all English-taught modules open to exchange students in the course overview.

The Dutch Studies programme

If you want to learn about Dutch language, culture and history, check out our Dutch Studies programme ! All courses are taught by specialists in the various fields of study. The language of instruction is English and the programme is open to all exchange students of the University of Groningen.

Language and literature courses

Students of language and literature may choose courses from the study programme of the relevant department. E.g. a student of Spanish literature may choose courses in Spanish literature. These course modules are not included in the course overview but can be found on the websites of the various language departments and in the on-line course catalogue Ocasys.

Courses in Dutch

If Dutch is your mother tongue, or if your level of Dutch is sufficient (CEF B2/C1), you can also apply for courses taught in Dutch. In order to be able to fully participate in courses in Dutch, level C1 is recommended.

Dutch Language courses

Students who are interested in learning Dutch during their stay in Groningen, can sign up for a language course at the Language Center. Registration and payments are handled by our colleagues at the Language Centre. It is possible to receive ECTS credits for a Dutch language course and have the course added to your learning agreement.

Other Language courses

At the Language Centre you can also take other language courses, e.g. English, Spanish, French, etc.. For some of the language courses you can receive ECTS credits and have the course added to your learning agreement, but for most you can only get a certificate (check this with the Language Centre well in advance).

Last modified:23 August 2024 2.39 p.m.