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Pre-Master’s programme in Psychology

If your prior degree does not fully satisfy the admission requirements, you may be offered a pre-master’s programme to raise your knowledge and skills to the required level. A pre-master’s programme normally takes one year. The pre-master’s programmes only start in September and there are a limited number of places available.

You may qualify for a pre-master’s programme if you have completed one of the following prior degrees:

  • A Bachelor Toegepaste Psychologie (Dutch bachelor’s degree in Applied Psychology from a university of applied sciences)
  • A bachelor’s degree in a subject other than Psychology from a Dutch university

Pre-master’s programme for students with a Bachelor HBO Toegepaste Psychologie

Pre-master's programme for 10 tracks (limited number of places)
Pre-master's places
per track voor
september 2024
Applied Cognitive Neuroscience
Applied Social Psychology
Clinical Forensic Psychology & Victimology
Environmental Psychology
Klinische Neuropsychologie
Klinische Psychologie
Talent Development and Creativity
Theory and History of Psychology
Work, Organizational and Personnel Psychology

Please note
It is possible that at a certain point in time there will be a reorganization of GZ-oriented master tracks with an additional selection procedure for a track leading directly to the post master GZ programme.
This is all still very uncertain, but if it happens, premaster students who complete their premaster in time, can still do a masters in the original track for which they did the premaster or a suitable substitute for it

Admission requirements
  • A Bachelor HBO Toegepaste Psychologie from a Dutch university of applied sciences
  • For English-taught tracks: satisfying the language requirements – see the section under the heading ‘Language requirements’.
  • 20 ECTS worth of knowledge in the field of psychology within a university Bachelor’s degree programme in Psychology. This concerns course units on psychological theories and/or applications (i.e. not general skills courses). These course units can be followed, for example,

    - at the UG in Open Modules
    - Open University Course units that will always be approved can be found on the list of OU course units. Many of these course units are also taught by Kies Op Maat in the form of e-minors.

  • Knowledge of statistics at the level of the first year of a university degree programme in Psychology.

    You can satisfy this requirement by completing the Onderzoekspracticum Inleiding Onderzoek [‘Introduction to Research’ research practical] or the Onderzoekspracticum Inleiding data-analyse [‘Introduction to Data Analysis’ research practical] taught in the past by the Open University.

Other course units: to be assessed by the Admissions Board.

Please note
Students of the Bachelor’ HBO Toegepaste Psychologie at the Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen can satisfy the above-mentioned admission requirements by completing a schakelminor [transfer minor]. For more information, please contact

Language requirements

Depending on your background and the language of instruction of your chosen track, you may have to present proof of proficiency in Dutch or English before the start of the Master’s degree programme.

Dutch-taught tracks

For the Dutch-taught tracks Ontwikkelingspsychologie, Klinische Psychologie and Klinische Neuropsychologie, the following qualifications will be accepted as sufficient proof of proficiency in Dutch at native-speaker level:

English-taught tracks

  • Candidates who have completed an entire secondary school programme or Bachelor’s degree programme in the US, at an English-taught institution in Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland, New Zealand, or Australia, will be deemed to have satisfied the language requirements.
  • Dutch and foreign Bachelor’s students at Dutch universities will be deemed to have satisfied the language requirements.
  • University of applied sciences students of Applied Psychology as well as Bachelor’s students from foreign universities will have to present proof of having passed one of the standard tests listed below.

Accepted tests

A sufficient test result in one of the following tests will constitute proof of English proficiency.

Please note:
- Test results that are older than two years cannot be accepted (except vwo-diplomas).


Minimum score

IELTS overall band

  • 6.5 - overall
  • 6.5 - speaking
  • 6.5 - writing

TOEFL internet based
(our institutional code: 7191)

Also offered by UG language centre
  • 90 - overall
  • 21- speaking
  • 24 - writing

Cambridge Advanced English (CAE)

  • C, B or A
Cambridge Proficiency (CPE)
  • C, B or A
Native speakers of English

Dutch pre-University diploma (VWO) including English

  • 5.5 for English
Ballot procedure for assigning places to the pre-master’s programme
  1. A maximum number of places are available in the pre-Master’s programme for each track. You can apply for a maximum of two tracks (first and second choices).
  2. If you qualify for admission to the pre-Master’s programme, lots will be drawn to decide whether you can be admitted to the programme for the track of your first choice.
  3. If you are not admitted, you will be placed on the waiting list for your first choice and you will participate in the ballot for the pre-Master’s programme for the track of your second choice. Here, too, you may be placed on the waiting list if you are not admitted.
  4. You can move up the waiting list as places open up over time, and eventually you may secure a place in the pre-Master’s programme for one of your chosen tracks.

Pre-master’s package and fees

Pre-Master’s package
Once you have been assigned a place in a certain track, the Admissions Board will define your pre-Master’s package.

Start of Master’s degree programme
You will be admitted to a Master’s track if you complete the pre-Master’s programme for this track within two years. You can extend the pre-Master’s programme into a second year if you successfully complete 50% in the first year.

An overview of pre-Master’s programme fees can be found on Fees for pre-Master’s programmes.

How to apply for a pre-Master’s programme if you have a Bachelor’s degree in Applied Psychology from a university of applied sciences:
  1. Make sure you make a well-considered choice, because you can only graduate in one Master’s track. Once you have been placed in a track, you cannot switch to another track before the start or during the master's program. We also advise against quitting a track and applying for another one later. You are not allowed to start a new skills course, thesis or internship in the new track if you have already started it in the previous track. This means you will not be able to graduate from the new track.
  2. You can only start the Master’s phase if you have obtained your Bachelor’s degree before 1 September 2025.
  3. Register for the Psychology pre-Master’s track of your choice on the Studielink website.
  4. Register before 1 March 2025 at the University of Groningen by completing this Applicationform premaster Psychologie - HBO TP 
    If you want, you can indicate a second choice of track via this form.
  5. A few weeks after the application deadline, you will be told whether you are eligible for the pre-master's track of your choice and what the next steps will be. There is a limited number of places available; if you are eligible, a draw will be part of the procedure.

Start master
ou will be admitted to a master track if you complete the premaster for that track within two years. In principle, the pre-master has a duration of one year. After successful completion of 50% of the pre-master's track in the first year, it can be extended to a maximum of two years.

All data and deadlines in one overview
Availability of
application form

15 jan 2024 -
1 mrt 2024

Application deadline
1 maart 2024
Decision concerning
accessibility to pre-Master’s programme
no later than
12 apr 2024
Results of
pre-Master’s ballot
no later than
10 mei 2024
Biweekly updates
on admission of students on waiting list
21 mei 2024 -
13 aug 2024
Actual admission
once all requirements
have been satisfied,
such as degree certificates,
courses, language requirements, tuition fees
no later than
31 aug 2024

the sooner,
the better

Pre-Master’s programme for students with a Bachelor’s degree in a subject other than Psychology from a Dutch university

You can register for a Master’s degree programme if you have completed (or are about to complete) a Bachelor’s degree programme other than Psychology at a Dutch university. The Admissions Board will decide on the basis of your prior degree either to grant you direct admission to the Master’s phase or to offer you a pre-Master’s programme.

Pre-master’s programme for 7 tracks (limited number of places)
Pre-master places per track for September 2025
Applied Cognitive Neuroscience
Applied Social Psychology
Environmental Psychology
Talent Development and Creativity
Theory and History of Psychology
Work, Organizational and Personnel
Admission requirements and ballot procedure

Admission requirements for the pre-Master’s programme

  • A deficit of no more than 60 ECTS compared to the admission requirements for the Master’s degree programme.
  • Adequate basic knowledge of statistics (at the level of the first year of a Dutch university degree programme in Psychology).
  • Proficiency in Dutch or English – see the section under the heading ‘Language requirements’ on this page.

Ballot procedure for assigning places to the pre-Master’s programme

  1. A maximum number of places are available in the pre-Master’s programme for each track. You can apply for a maximum of two tracks (first and second choices).
  2. If you qualify for admission to the pre-Master’s programme, lots will be drawn to decide whether you can be admitted to the programme for the track of your first choice.
  3. If you are not admitted, you will be placed on the waiting list for your first choice and you will participate in the ballot for the pre-Master’s programme for the track of your second choice. Here, too, you may be placed on the waiting list if you are not admitted.
  4. You can move up the waiting list as places open up over time, and eventually you may secure a place in the pre-Master’s programme for one of your chosen tracks.
Language requirements

Depending on your background and the language of instruction of your chosen track, you may have to present proof of proficiency in Dutch or English before the start of the Master’s degree programme.

Dutch-taught tracks

For the Dutch-taught tracks Ontwikkelingspsychologie, Klinische Psychologie and Klinische Neuropsychologie, the following qualifications will be accepted as sufficient proof of proficiency in Dutch at native-speaker level:

English-taught tracks

  • Candidates who have completed an entire secondary school programme or Bachelor’s degree programme in the US, at an English-taught institution in Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland, New Zealand, or Australia, will be deemed to have satisfied the language requirements.
  • Dutch and foreign Bachelor’s students at Dutch universities will be deemed to have satisfied the language requirements.
  • University of applied sciences students of Applied Psychology as well as Bachelor’s students from foreign universities will have to present proof of having passed one of the standard tests listed below.

Accepted tests

A sufficient test result in one of the following tests will constitute proof of English proficiency.

Please note:
- Test results that are older than two years cannot be accepted (except vwo-diplomas).


Minimum score

IELTS overall band

  • 6.5 - overall
  • 6.5 - speaking
  • 6.5 - writing

TOEFL internet based
(our institutional code: 7191)

Also offered by UG language centre
  • 90 - overall
  • 21- speaking
  • 24 - writing

Cambridge Advanced English (CAE)

  • C, B or A
Cambridge Proficiency (CPE)
  • C, B or A
Native speakers of English

Dutch pre-University diploma (VWO) including English

  • 5.5 for English
Pre-master’s package and fees

Pre-Master’s package
Once you have been assigned a place in a certain track, the Admissions Board will define your pre-Master’s package.

Start of Master’s degree programme
You will be admitted to a Master’s track if you complete the pre-Master’s programme for this track within two years. You can extend the pre-Master’s programme into a second year if you successfully complete 50% in the first year.

An overview of pre-Master’s programme fees can be found on Fees for pre-Master’s programmes.

How to apply for a pre-master’s programme:

You can apply before completing your bachelor's degree, but you must have completed your bachelor's degree before the start date of the pre-master's program (1 September).

  1. Apply before March 1 in Studielink for the pre-master track Psychology of your choice.
  2. Register for the pre-master track Psychology before March 1 with the University of Groningen via Applicationform pre-master Psychology. Using this form, you can also register for a possible second track.
  3. A few weeks after the application deadline, you will be told whether you are eligible for the pre-master's track of your choice and what the next steps will be. There is a limited number of places available; if you are eligible, a draw will be part of the procedure.

Start master
ou will be admitted to a master track if you complete the premaster for that track within two years. In principle, the pre-master has a duration of one year. After successful completion of 50% of the pre-master's track in the first year, it can be extended to a maximum of two years.

All data and deadlines in one overview
Availability of
application form

15 jan 2024 -
1 mrt 2024

Application deadline
1 maart 2024
Decision concerning
accessibility to pre-Master’s programme
no later than
12 apr 2024
Results of
pre-Master’s ballot
no later than
10 mei 2024
Biweekly updates
on admission of students on waiting list
21 mei 2024 -
13 aug 2024
Actual admission
once all requirements
have been satisfied,
such as degree certificates,
courses, language requirements, tuition fees
no later than
31 aug 2024

the sooner,
the better
Last modified:15 July 2024 10.40 p.m.
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