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Although Orthoreka! strives to reflect high quality Master theses, we do not guarantee the availability, reliability and validity of the presented studies. The information on this website might not reflect the most recent results, since some of the theses are part of a larger research project.

This website, the Master theses and any further information on this website are property of the University of Groningen and the authors. All theses are supervised and assessed by a senior staff member of the Department of Special Needs Education and Youth Care and evaluated by an independent reviewer.

This website may not be reproduced without the consent of the persons concerned and the Department of Special Needs Education and Youth Care.

The editors reserve the right to make any changes with immediate effect and without any notification. To report any inaccuracies or to get in touch with the editors, please send an email to orthoreka

Last modified:20 June 2024 07.48 a.m.
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