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The Centre of Expertise for Talent Development is a part of the powerful network organisation Sport Science & Innovation Groningen (SSIG), officially recognised and certified by the nationwide and embedded in the Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health . The SSIG is a cooperation between the University of Groningen, the University Medical Center Groningen, the Hanze University of Applied Sciences, the municipality and province of Groningen, and innovation-minded companies based in Groningen.

The centre aligns with the focal points of the University of Groningen and with Sustainable Society and Healthy Ageing in particular. After all, sustainability in sports, science, industry, and culture, depends to a large degree on identifying, selecting, and people’s talent and learning potential. Besides this, tapping into people’s talents contributes to keeping them healthy, happy, and having them play an active part in society. Furthermore, the centre aligns with the growing national and international interest of sports , companies, music and theatre institutions, and schools and universities, to provide answers to questions such as:

  • How can talent be identified?
  • Under which circumstances are individuals able to optimally develop their talents?
  • How can talent be stimulated further?

Lastly, as an centre of expertise we are closely involved in the Dutch-Flemish Network for Selection Research (DFN-SR) and the Association for Sports Psychology in the Netherlands (VSPN).

a selection of our social partners:

Last modified:20 June 2024 07.14 a.m.
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