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Student support

Even though an exchange semester can be very exciting, you are in a completely new environment which might be challenging for you. Problems you might face could be for example homesickness, cultural differences, personal problems etc. Students with a performance disability might need extra support during their exchange semester in Groningen. On the website of the RUG you can find more information about studying with a performance disability. The university offers multiple services that you can make use of. If you’re not sure whom to contact, you can always approach the Mobility Office.

Study advisor

In case of study-related or personal problems, we advise you to make an appointment with a study advisor. Appointments with study advisors of all BSS departments can be made through the Student Service Desk.

Student Service Centre

Depending on your problem, your study advisor might refer you to one of the other facilities offered by the university: the Student Service Centre (SSC). The SSC offers a wide range of support facilities – student counsellors (financial and legal questions), psychological counselling service (personal and academic issues, short-term counselling), trainers and psychologists who provide workshops and courses to improve your study skills and to support your personal development. In addition, the SSC offers the possibility to join a study support group. However, these groups often have limited availability.

Course related questions

In case you have any questions about specific courses that you are taking, it is best to contact the lecturer and/or coordinator of the course. Contact information about lecturers can be found here or via the course catalogue Ocasys. Most lecturers have walk-in hours which should be mentioned in their contact information. In case a lecturer does not have walk-in hours, we would advise you to approach them after the lecture.

Buddy project

The BSS Buddy Project matches students who are new to the faculty of Behavioral and Social Sciences (BSS) with an "experienced" student (buddy) who provides informal guidance to new students. The Buddy Project aims to facilitate the welcome phase of new students and increase the inclusion of BSS students. Next to the one-on-one contact of the buddy couples, the organisation tries to build a Buddy Project community by organizing social and study-related activities. The Mobility Office will inform you about the possibilities and the registration procedure.

Last modified:20 June 2024 07.12 a.m.