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Symposium: How should we study identity development as situated in context?

When:We 01-11-2023 14:00 - 17:00
Where:Faculty of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Grote Rozenstraat 31, Gadourekzaal 

Identity is a core topic of our daily lives, and issues around identities become increasingly contested in societal discourses. Throughout our lives we engage with our social and cultural contexts in the exploration of what it means to be “us”. However, researchers do not always agree on how  identity development should be conceptualized and studied as a process that is situated in and occurs through conversational, social and cultural contexts. 

The talks in this symposium will collectively explore the question: How should we (qualitatively) study identity development as situated in context? Following two introductory talks by Dr. Naomi de Ruiter (University College Groningen) and Ole Gmelin (University of Groningen), Dr. Elli Schachter (Bar-Ilan University, Israel) and Prof. Michael Bamberg (Clark University, USA) will present their views on the topic. The symposium will be concluded by a debate between Dr. Schachter and Prof. Bamberg, and the audience. There will be an opportunity for further exchange over drinks. You can sign up to the event via this link. For questions please contact Ole Gmelin (j.h.gmelin

This symposium will be organized in connection to Ole Gmelin’s PhD defense. On November the 2nd, 2023 at 16:15 Ole Gmelin will defend his dissertation titled “Between Agency and Constraint: Towards an Understanding of {Sexual} Identity Content Development in Context.” in Aula of the Academy Building at the University of Groningen (for more information see here).