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Workshop: Historiography and Science in Times of War and Dictatorship

When:Th 09-06-2022 10:00 - 16:00
Where:Muntinggebouw: room M.0074 Grote Kruisstraat 2, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG).

The workshop has two parts. The first deals with the way psychologists and other scientists reacted to the Spanish Civil War and worked under an authoritarian regime such as Franco’s or Mussolini’s.

The second part presents and discusses new historiographic trends that are used by historians of science, with a special emphasis on historiographic challenges in education and psychology.

There will be live stream available. If you are interested in receiving the link or have any question, please, contact the organizer: a.c.mulberger


  • 10:00h : Welcome by Johannes Westberg (Education in Culture, RUG) and Annette Mülberger(Theory & History of Psychology, RUG)


  • 10:10h -11:20h    Session 1:  Psychology in times of war and dictatorship (in the 1930ies)

    >Chairs: Carol López Catheline & Wiger Hartstra (Master Theory & History of Psychology, RUG)
    Psychologists and the Spanish Civil War - Fernando Ferrari (Universidad de Córdoba, Argentina) & Annette Mülberger (Theory & History of Psychology, RUG)

    >Chair: Miguel Huertas Maestro (Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, CSIC, Madrid)
    Psychology and psychoanalysis of the 1930ies and 1940ies in Italy - Renato Foschi (Sapienza, Univ. di Roma)
  • 11.20-11:25h short break
  • 11:25-12:00 Session 2: Evolutionism for the public in Francoist Spain

    >Chair: Chelsea Rodríguez (Education in Culture Research)
    Evolution for the general public: Darwinism and Catholicism in Spain, 1939-1975 - Clara Florensa (Centro Interuniversitário de História das Ciências e da Tecnologia, Universidade de Lisboa)
  • 12:00-13:00h Lunchbreak


  • 13:00h- 14.10h   Session 3:  New Trends in Child History

    >Chair: Brandon Graham (Master Ethics of Education: Philosophy, History and Law, RUG)
    Children as research objects or competent actors? Writing a history of childhood that focuses on everyday life - Michèle Hofmann (Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft, Universität Zürich)

    >Chair: Kim Hajek (Institute for History, Leiden University)
    Doing the history of child prodigies: Perspectives, sources, and challenges - Andrea Graus (Institut Milà i Fontanals, CSIC, Barcelona)
  • 14:10-14:30h coffee-break

  • 14:30- 16:00h   Session 4:  Roundtable on New Trends in Historical Research

    >Chair: Joud Aldabbagh & Noora Rajalahti (Master Theory & History of Psychology, RUG)
    Participants: Rinske Vermeij (Theory & History of Psychology, RUG), Lukas Boser (Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz), Tina van der Vlies (Erasmus University Rotterdam) and Jeremy Burman (Theory & History of Psychology, RUG).
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