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A buddy? Why?

Experiences of buddies and students

Why a buddy project?

Remember when you started your programme in Groningen? Perhaps you found starting your studies quite exciting. You maybe went to live in Groningen and didn't know anyone in this city new to you in a country also new to you.

Perhaps the Netherlands is country where every day life is different from what you are used to and people use other gestures, or the meaning of small things differs from what they mean in your country. Then there was a new education system that you had to get used to and that you had to find way in, maybe with some trial and error.

Think about how much you have you learned since you started, and the new experiences your life as a student brought you. Maybe there were times when you felt insecure and alone, and you think back with a warm feeling to someone who helped you find your way.

How nice would it be for a new student to know someone who can answer questions, give tips and explain how things work here? As an experienced student, you can help a new international student get off to a good start in Groningen!

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