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About us Faculty of Science and Engineering Women in Science and Engineering

Monthly meetings

Our topical monthly meetings are moderated with one of the board members (mentors or distingushed visitors) and is focused on scientific and transferable skills with hands on tutorials (e.g. CV and coverletter check).

Come and join us for our monthly meetings, with vegan and vegetarian pizza providded, at 12pm – 1pm in Linnausborg with these rooms and dates in 2024:

8th February – 5173.0176

7th March – 5173.0176

11th April – 5173.0176

9th May – 5173.0710

13th June – 5173.0133

12th September – 5173.0710

10th October – 5173.0710

14th November – 5173.0710

12th December – 5173.0710

Last modified:12 July 2024 11.12 a.m.