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UG and Nobian renew their partnership

18 January 2024
Signing Salt Express

The University of Groningen (UG)’s Faculty of Science and Engineering and Nobian, with sites in Delfzijl and Hengelo, are coming together again to run an educational programme about salt in UG’s science truck. A lesson about salt and the salt crystal growing competition are central to the teaching programme.

“First of all, this has been proved to be a wonderful and successful way to make primary school students excited to learn about chemistry and engineering. We are committed to using this to expand the breeding ground for new talent”, says Robert Jan Poppen, site manager at Nobian and site director at Delfzijl Chemical Park. “At the same time, this programme playfully illustrates the huge importance of salt in our daily life: past, present and future.”


He makes it clear that we face enormous challenges in our country. “New methods of generating power, electrification, introduction of hydrogen – extending as far as new, green processes in the chemical industry. This also applies to Nobian. We can’t do this without technically skilled boys and girls. An early introduction to science and engineering is extremely important”, believes Poppen.

UG and Nobian partnership
UG and Nobian partnership

First steps as a scientist

Salt is a marvellous subject, everyone is familiar with it and it has a rich historical and cultural background. Participants in the salt crystal growing competition are taking their first steps as budding scientists: making a plan, setting up an experiment, making observations and recording  them in a log book. “There are no inventions without experiments. It’s never too early to be fascinated by science and engineering. And we can do this in many places, thanks to the truck” says Joost Frenken, Dean of the Faculty of Science and Engineering.


The truck will be visiting primary schools from February to June and students can take part in the salt crystal growing competition. Schools can request teaching materials via the website, where budding “salty scientists” can also find all the information they need about the competition. The final is on 24 June in Groningen.

Last modified:18 January 2024 2.05 p.m.
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