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Physics student Shruti Giri wins GUF 100 Prize

05 July 2021

At the UG Summer Ceremony on July 1, Shruti Giri has been awarded the GUF 100 Prize, making her the best student of the Faculty. Shruti is a third-year bachelor's student in Physics with a provisional average of 8.6. She has been very active within the degree programme as, among other things, lab and teaching assistant and mentor. She was chosen by the jury of the Groningen University Fund (GUF) out of three FSE students, nominated by students and teaching staff of the faculty last spring.

The prize consists of a scholarship for study or research worth €2,500 and is annually awarded to the best student of each faculty.

Shruti Giri
Shruti Giri

Impressive study results

Shruti Giri is a third year Bachelor student in Physics with specialization Particle Physics. As of 2019, she is also enrolled for the Honours College Bachelor Programme and carries out a research project on the topic ‘Where are the Women in Physics?’. Her average grade for the Bachelor so far is 8.6.

In addition to her demanding own study programme, Shruti has been very active in the Bachelor‘s Physics programme. So far, she has been lab and teaching assistant for four different courses for which she received lots of positive feedback. In addition, she has been a tutor for undergraduate students since the beginning of 2019. Since this academic year, she also serves as a mentor for first year Bachelor students in Physics and Astronomy helping them to navigate through their first year of studies during the challenging times marked by the Covid19 pandemic.

Shruti also engages in promoting diversity in STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) and set up the online platform repreSTEM to make people underrepresented in the STEM field more visible.

Nominated by students and teaching staff

Shruti Giri was selected from three candidates, nominated by students themselves and teaching staff of our faculty last spring. In total, 42 students were nominated, from which the faculty jury members chose three candidates to present to the GUF 100 jury:

  • Shruti Giri (BSc Physics)
  • Rebecca Rodrigues de Miranda (MSc Nanoscience)
  • Andy Sardjan (MSc Chemistry)

UG Summer Ceremony

The GUF 100 prizes have been awarded during the annual Summer Ceremony of the University on July 1. With this academic event, the official close of the academic year is celebrated and talented students and researchers of the University are honored. Besides the GUF 100 prizes, the winner of the Wierenga Rengerink Dissertation Award and next year’s international alumni ambassadors are announced.

Last modified:05 July 2021 2.04 p.m.
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