Petra Rudolf elected member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts

Petra Rudolf, Professor for Experimental Solid State Physics, Group leader of the Surfaces and Thin Films group and Director of the Graduate School of Science, has been elected Active Member of Class I (Natural Sciences) of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts. Currently, the only other NL member in the Natural Sciences Class is Vinod Subramaniam (Former AMOLF director and currently Rector Magnificus at the Free University Amsterdam).
The European Academy of Sciences and Arts is a European academic forum with 1800 members, among which 32 nobel Laureates and former pope Benedict XVI. The academy is a transnational, interdisciplinary body, which works especially on European issues and tries to build solid bridges in Europe.
The 1800 members are allocated in seven classes, which are Humanities, Medicine, Arts, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences/Law/Economics, Technical/Environmental Sciences and World Religions.
As an “independent knowledge pool” and one of the biggest "Think Tanks" in Europe the Academy aims to discuss current issues across different academic fields and cultures as well as promoting transnational dialog for the good of those living and working in Europe. Basically, the Academy hereby focuses on three areas: The development of knowledge, the dissemination of scientific information, and the implementation of international projects.
More information about the European Academy of Sciences and Arts and their members can be found through their website:
Last modified: | 31 January 2017 11.14 p.m. |
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