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NWO XS grant for Kamenz and Onck

24 July 2023

Two researchers from the Faculty of Science and Engineering have received an XS grant from the Dutch Research Council (Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijke Onderzoek, NWO). Dr Julia Kamenz of the Groningen Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology Institute (GBB) and Prof. Patrick Onck of the Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials will both receive EUR 50,000.

With the XS grants, NWO strives to encourage curiosity-driven and bold research involving a quick analysis of a promising idea. A special aspect is that the applicants themselves assess the other applications.

Dr Julia Kamenz (GBB) | What limits mitotic checkpoint signaling in the early embryo?

Cell division is a fundamental process, which allows a single fertilized cell to develop into a complex organism containing trillions of cells. Errors during cell division can have detrimental consequences, such as birth defects or cancer development. To prevent errors, molecular surveillance mechanisms, so-called cell cycle checkpoints, tightly monitor and regulate cell cycle progression. Surprisingly, cell cycle checkpoints are largely absent during the early embryonic divisions. In this XS project, Kamenz aims to prove or disprove the hypothesis that the extraordinarily large volume of the early embryonic cells constitutes a fundamental biophysical limit to functional checkpoint signaling.

Prof. Patrick Onck (Zernike Institute) | Is there a molecular connection between acute myeloid leukaemia and nuclear transport?

Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) accounts for approximately 80% of all cases of adult leukaemia, with poor success rates for current treatments. Recently, a wide proteomic screening showed a remarkably strong connection between AML and nuclear transport, leading to the hypothesis that deficiencies in nuclear transport may play an important role in leukaemia. In the proposed research we aim to collect convincing molecular evidence to confirm this hypothesis. When successful, this will not only trigger a new research direction, it will also open up an entirely new angle in the development of therapeutic strategies for AML.

Last modified:24 July 2023 10.46 a.m.
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