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Master’s student Physics Adrian Sidhu wins GUF 100 Prize

10 July 2023

At the UG Ceremony of Merits on July 7, Adrian Sidhu has been awarded the GUF 100 Prize, making him the best student of the Faculty of Science and Engineering 2022-2023. Adrian recently graduated cum laude from the Master’s degree programme in Physics. He was chosen by the jury of the Groningen University Fund (GUF) out of three FSE students, nominated by students and teaching staff of the faculty last spring.

The prize consists of a scholarship for study or research worth €2,500 and is annually awarded to the best student of each faculty.

Adrian Sidhu
Adrian Sidhu

Impressive study results

Adrian Sidhu recently graduated cum laude from the Master’s degree programme in Physics. He obtained his BSc physics at the UG in 2020 and has an excellent record on research. In addition to his regular programme, Adrian also finished the High Tech Systems and Materials (HTSM) Honours Master’s programme. With this, academically he belongs to the top 5% Physics students.

Adrian was a Teaching Assistant for no less than twelve Physics courses, receiving numerous positive evaluations. In this role, he displayed considerable initiative and innovation, in particular during the corona period. Next to this, Adrian demonstrated great leadership skills. He became lead of the Student Mentor Programme, leading a team of seventeen mentors and acted as lab assistant for a number of years. For all four major laboratory courses in the BSc Physics and Applied Physics degree programmes, he guided students through different practicals and even designed new educational setups.

Nominated by students and teaching staff

Adrian Sidhu was chosen from the faculty candidates who were nominated by FSE students and teaching staff in the spring of 2023. A total of 36 students were nominated, of which the faculty jury had presented three to the GUF-100 jury: Natalie Koscelanská (BSc Physics), Floris Westerman (MSc Computing Science) en Adrian Sidhu (MSc Physics).

UG Ceremony of Merits

The GUF 100 prizes have been awarded during the UG Ceremony of Merits on July 7. With the Ceremony of Merits, the UG wants to honor staff and students that made exceptional contributions to the university. Besides the GUF 100 prizes, the winner of the Wierenga Rengerink Dissertation Award was announced.

Last modified:26 July 2023 12.35 p.m.
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