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Lung Foundation supports research on lung tissue repair

20 July 2017

The Lung Foundation is supporting the new COPD research by pharmacologist Reinoud Gosens . He will be heading research on the stimulation of certain cells in the lungs to repair tissue. The research has been made possible due to the support of donors. Gosens is Professor of Pharmacology at the Groningen Research Institute of Pharmacy (Faculty of Science and Engineering).

COPD is still an incurable lung disease, mainly caused by smoking in the Western world. People with COPD are often short of breath, tired and cough a lot. This is caused by an infection in their lungs and damaged alveoli.

Repair of damaged lung tissue

The damaged caused by COPD to the lungs cannot be repaired with any of the current drugs. The lungs contain cells that are known as progenitor cells that resemble stem cells. Together with the structural cells of the lung, the progenitor cells are responsible for repairing damaged lung tissue. This process no longer functions properly in COPD patients. The aim of the research is to stimulate the progenitor cells to recommence tissue repair and thus find new starting points for tissue repair in COPD. Professor of Pharmacology Reinoud Gosens of the University of Groningen will head the research.

Lung Foundation

According to Director Michael Rutgers, the Lung Foundation will be better able to help people with COPD thanks to research like this. Both aspects of the research were carefully selected by the charity’s Scientific Advice Committee (Wetenschappelijk Advies Commissie), which comprises scientists, healthcare providers and people with a lung disease. Research will contribute to realizing the Lung Foundation’s dream: prevention of pulmonary diseases, better treatment options for serious pulmonary diseases and repair of damaged lung tissue.  

Last modified:09 July 2018 10.41 a.m.
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