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Four VENI grants and a ERC starting grant

03 August 2010

Four researchers from the Faculty of Science and Engineering (formerly known as the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences) have been awarded a VENI grant within the framework of NWO’s Innovational Research Incentives Scheme. VENI grants are intended for young researchers who have recently gained a PhD and have significant and original talent for innovative research.

Prof.dr. L.V.E. Koopmans from the Kapteyn Institute has been awarded a ERC starting grant. The objective of such a grant is to support researchers to set up a research team or a research programme.

Veni grant

VENI researchers are awarded a total of up to EUR 250,000 over a period of three years. The Innovational Research Incentives Scheme offers three types of grants each year: not only the VENI grants, but also VIDI grants for experienced postdocs and VICI grants for senior researchers.

The new VENI awardees at the Faculty of Science and Engineering are:

Getting in shape: The role of the conserved StkP/PhpP signalling couple of Streptococcus pneumoniae in coordinating cell wall synthesis with cell division
Dr. J.W. (Jan Willem) Veening - Moleculaire Genetica

Mapping epigenetic quantitative trait loci in Arabidopsis
Dr. F.  Johannes - bioinformatica

Modelling excited state dynamics in large molecular aggregates
Dr. A.U. Stradomska - theorie van gecondenseerde materie

Ballistic electronics in graphene: clearing the way for electrons in one atom thick carbon
Dr. ir. N. Tombros - chemie van (bio)organische materialen en devices

ERC Starting Grant

The ERC Starting Grant is a personal European grant, the objective of which is to support researchers in an adequate manner during a period in which they intend to set up a research team or a research programme. Participants in the ERC Starting Grant must be able to demonstrate the high quality of their research. The ERC Starting Grant ensures that young, well-established researchers can make the transition from supervised research to independent research in a relatively early phase of their scientific careers.

Last modified:09 February 2017 10.01 a.m.
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