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Mail service is back up and running

The old mail facility has been restored.

What is available

Mail that was received between the 14th of August and the 9th of September and mail that was received after Thursday the 24th of September 11 AM will be available as 'unread' in your inbox.

What is not (yet ) available

Mail sent to you from the 23rd of Sept. 12 AM till 24th of Sept.  11 AM will be delivered into your inbox throughout Tuesday. When you have created or changed folders after the 14th of August then these folders including the mail placed within them will be unavailable. What is essentialy missing is all the mail you sent and saved in "Sent-items" after the 14th of August and the mail that was received between the 9th and 23rd of September.   


As of now students, staff and alumni are able again to send and receive mail.


More information at:

Last modified:31 January 2017 11.14 p.m.
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