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STW grants for antibiotics research

21 November 2011

In addition to three ALW grants from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), in November three grants from the Technology Foundation STW were also awarded to the Groningen Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology Institute (GBB). This brings the total project grant amount for GBB researchers to EUR 2.3 million, thus ensuring that progress can be made in the coming years in research on new antibiotics (4 research projects), peroxisome biology (1 research project) and protein translocation (1 research project).

The antibiotics research is also part of the STW Perspective programme GenBiotics ; the relevant projects are:

1. CRYPTON II – a genome-based generalized strategy to activate cryptic antibiotic biosynthesis gene clusters in Actinomycetales.

Contact : , Microbial Physiology, GBB

Prof. E. Takano (University of Groningen), Prof. W. Bitter (VU Medical Center), Prof. R. Breitling (University of Groningen), Prof. Vandenbroucke-Grauls (VU Medical Center) Industrial partner(s): DSM and KtedoGen.

Grant awarded: € 500,000

The aim of the project is to activate a systematically identified gene cluster for the production of secondary metabolites in order to determine the antibiotic function and the structure of new components. Another aim is to try to construct new bioactive substances by means of more complex synthesis and derivatization.

2. Combinatorial strategies for the production of antimicrobials by advanced fungal host strains.

Contact : , Molecular Microbiology, GBB

Prof. A.J.M. Driessen (University of Groningen), Prof. T. Hankemeijer (Leiden University), Prof. H.S. Overkleeft (Leiden University), Dr R. Vreeken (Leiden University).

Industrial partner(s): DSM

Grant awarded: € 540,000

The aim of the research is to link the superior fermentation characteristics of the mould Penicillium chrysogenum to synthetic-chemical approaches. The intended ‘deliverables’ are new fermentation-based and synthetic routes to create natural and unnatural roquefortine-related metabolites, including an overview of their antimicrobial activity and toxicity.

3. Lanthexpress

Contact : , Molecular Genetics, GBB

Prof. G.P. van Wezel (Leiden University), Prof. O.P. Kuipers (University of Groningen).

Industrial partner(s): Bruker, Novacta and BioMade

Grant awarded: € 200,000

The project aims to develop new bacterial expression systems for lantibiotics and derivatives so that >40 new types of lantibiotics from actinomycetes can be screened for activity against familiar multi-drug-resistant pathogenic microorganisms. The expectation is that new antimicrobial drugs will be discovered.

Technology Foundation STW promotes knowledge transmission between the technical sciences and users. To this end, STW links researchers and potential users to each other and finances excellent technical-scientific research.

Last modified:22 August 2024 1.32 p.m.
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