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Three Open Programme grants awarded

17 November 2011

In addition to the TOP grants, NWO has also awarded three Open Programme grants within the framework of its ALW programme to Groningen researchers, all of whom work at the Faculty of Science and Engineering (formerly known as the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences) of the University of Groningen. A total of 49 researchers in the Netherlands applied for an Open Programme grant, of whom only 12 were awarded one.

The following three Groningen researchers were awarded an Open Programme grant:

Dr Jean-Christophe Billeter, Behavioural Biology,
Centre for Behaviour and Neurosciences, University of Groningen

Choosey females: the mechanism of fecundity block in Drosophila melanogaster

Prof. Ida van der Klei, Molecular Cell Biology
Groningen Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology Institute, University of Groningen

Deciphering the role of Pex11 in peroxisome biology

Prof. Oscar Kuipers, Moleculaire Genetics,
Groningen Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology Institute, University of Groningen
Biomodules for introducing various types of circular and heterocyclic modifications in lantibiotics

Last modified:22 August 2024 1.35 p.m.
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