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Repairing lungs

09 January 2015

Everyone with a lung disease dreams of the day when someone will find a way to fix their lungs. Chances are that this will indeed be possible in the future.

Researchers are currently working hard to find a way to fix defective lungs. Dr Reinoud Gosens from the Department of Molecular Pharmacology at the Groningen Research Institute of Pharmacy (GRIP), for example, is looking into growth factors. He thinks that the medicine of the future that will cure the lung disease COPD may already be hidden in the human body.

The research conducted by Dr Gosen's consortium was awarded a EUR 600,000 grant by the Longfonds (Dutch national Lung Fund) several months ago.

Gosens talks about his research in this film.

Last modified:05 October 2017 11.07 a.m.
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