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FSE Learning Analytics-team wint landelijke prijs op het gebied van data science en AI in onderwijs

18 juli 2022

The FSE Learning Analytics team has won the leadership challenge of the 'Leadership challenge with data analytics and AI in higher education' course. The team consisted of Antonio Giuliani, Paula Mollema, Elly Jannink, Grietje Sulter and Jan-Willem Brijan. The FSE team stood out in particular because they had a working algorithm in a dashboard they designed for study advisors. The prize was awarded during the last meeting of the course in the Euromast in Rotterdam.

The course was organized by SURF and the Erasmus Center for Data Analytics. Teams from several Dutch universities worked on a practical case of their own organization, in which the entire palette of data science was addressed. During the last meeting, all teams pitched their educational concept with AI. A jury assessed the results on societal impact, data science methods, feasibility and scalability and presentation.

Dashboard study advisors

The FSE team consisted of employees from various backgrounds, which enabled them to develop a very nice concept in a short time in the form of a dashboard for study advisors. The team has actually involved a number of study advisors in the development and will do so even more in the coming academic year. The jury was impressed by the dashboard, the way in which it was created and the plans for further developments.

In use in 2023

The team will work hard next academic year, in order to put the dashboard into use in September 2023. In addition, the team wants to develop a dashboard for and together with students. This dashboard can give students insight into their studies and study progress.

Laatst gewijzigd:04 augustus 2023 14:26
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