Caputi member of new Cosmic Dawn Center (DAWN)
Prof. Karina Caputi from the Kapteyn Astronomical Institute (University of Groningen) has been named associate member of a newly funded Danish Excellence Research Centre to study the early Universe (DAWN). This new centre has received an award of 66 MDKK (9 million euros) from the Danish National Research Foundation. In addition to the Danish-based astronomers, the centre will have seven founding associate members from top institutions over the world, including Caputi from the University of Groningen.
Cosmic Dawn Center (DAWN) is a new basic research centre whose main purpose is to uncover how and when the first galaxies formed. DAWN is a Center of Excellence funded by the Danish National Research Foundation and located at the Niels Bohr Institute at the University of Copenhagen in close collaboration with DTU Space.
Last modified: | 14 August 2017 5.23 p.m. |
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