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Best Engineering Thesis Award

The doctoral thesis is a proof of the ability of the PhD candidate to perform independent scientific research. Yearly the Groningen Engineering Center gives an award to the most outstanding engineering thesis at the University of Groningen. A jury evaluates the nominated theses based on the following criteria:

  • scientific quality and impact
  • long term societal impact
  • interdisciplinary connections

The winner of the Best Engineering Thesis of 2023 was warded to ZIAM graduate Ronald Remmerswaal for his thesis "Numerical Modelling of Variability in Liquid Impacts".

The PhD research by Ronald Remmerswaal started with an engineering problem concerning the transport of LNG or LH2 in carrier ships. Especially the impact of the liquid sloshing against the walls of cargo tanks was of major concern as it determines the structural strength of the tank construction. Remmerswaal developed and utilised state-of-the-art numerical simulation techniques with the aim of understanding the physical phenomena which underlie the variability apparent in liquid impacts. His research in the end led to simulation methods for predicting wave forces on deck constructions that are currently used in practise.

Previous winners




Title of thesis

2023 Ronald Remmerswaal R. Verstappen/A.E.P.Veldman (Bernoulli)

Numerical Modelling of Variability in Liquid Impacts

Chongnan Ye
Katja Loos (ZIAM)
Design of sustainable polymer networks for advanced applications based on dynamic covalent bonds
Charissa Roosien
G.J. Verkerke (UMCG)

Sensors@Work: Towards monitoring of physical workload for sustainable employability

Godliver Owomugisha
M. Biehl (Bernoulli)

Computational intelligence & modeling of crop disease data in Africa


Artem Shulga

M. Loi (Zernike)

Colloidal Quantum Dot Field-Effect Transistors


Xiaodong Cheng

J.M.A. Scherpen (ENTEG)

Model Reduction of Network Systems with Structure Preservation


Laurens Polgar

F. Picchioni (ENTEG)

Thermoreversible cross-linking of rubber

Last modified:04 September 2024 09.43 a.m.