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Study Association

A study association is an organization run by a team of students from the respective bachelor’s and master’s degree programme(s). The FSE study associations organize many activities for students, including introductory camps and monthly “borrels” (informal social gatherings, often with drinks), but also more serious events such as company visits or conferences. Study associations differ from the general student associations where the degree programme is irrelevant. And study associations do not have hazing rituals.

Dear first-year students,

First of all, we would like to give you a warm welcome! We are happy to know you have chosen to become a part of the EES (Energy and Environmental Sciences) community at the University of Groningen. We hope you are as excited as we are to start this programme and get to know your fellow master students!

About Atmos

We are Atmos, the study association of EES, with membership open for all students of the University of Groningen involved in studies related to energy or the environment. It was founded in April 2019 and our mission is to provide students with an interest in energy, environment, and sustainability a platform in which they can develop themselves professionally, learn more about their field of interest, and broaden their network. We do so by organising social, educational, and career- related events. These range from a monthly social drink to soft-skill workshops and career days.

Being a member of Atmos, apart from the fun events, gives you access to additional resources for several subjects you will be taking during your masters, also with the objective of helping you choose the best electives for your future career.

Introduction Events

On the 2nd of September EES is hosting an introduction day, on which more information will follow from the programme. Atmos is also present on this day with fun activities and to provide you with more information on Atmos. Furthermore, the first few weeks of September will include all kinds of introduction activities organised by some amazing committees! More information on this will follow later.

Becoming a Member

You can become a member of Atmos by signing up on our website here, paying a yearly membership contribution fee of a few euros. You can join all our events with a discount or even for free! We are always looking for members for our committees and would love to have you! Atmos has several committees, you will hear more about these on the introduction day or you can look them up on the website. On the introduction day, you will also be able to sign up for these committees, or later throughout the year.

You can already join our whatsapp community to get in contact with your fellow students.

We look forward to seeing you at the introduction events! If you have any questions in the meantime, do not hesitate to contact us.

With kind regards,

The Candidate Board of Atmos:

Martijn Goudberg - Chair & Commissioner of External Affairs

Roel Snijder – Treasurer & Sustainability Officer

Ellis de Wit - Secretary & Commissioner of External Affairs

Luisa Krimizis Gonzalez - Commissioner of Internal Affairs

Saskia Moana Paulson Schlosser - Commissioner of Educational Affairs

Last modified:09 July 2024 3.29 p.m.