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Study Association

A study association is an organization run by a team of students from the respective bachelor’s and master’s degree programme(s). The FSE study associations organize many activities for students, including introductory camps and monthly “borrels” (informal social gatherings, often with drinks), but also more serious events such as company visits or conferences. Study associations differ from the general student associations where the degree programme is irrelevant. And study associations do not have hazing rituals.

Dear Prospective Chemistry Student!

De Chemische Binding (also known as ‘De CB’) is the study association for Chemistry and Chemical Engineering students in Groningen. As a study association, we try to support you in three ways: we provide activities focused on educational support, we offer you an insight in your future career and we organise several social activities to help you meet your fellow students and wind down at the end of a long day of studying.

About study support, there are several things we do. Firstly, we compile a list of the books you need in one easily accessible place and sell them at a discount. Secondly, we provide you with a lab coat and goggles that meet the criteria set out by the faculty. Finally, we organise a wide spectrum of educational activities. This varies from support sessions for tough courses to help you prepare for your exam to useful soft and hard skill courses, such as a course in LaTeX. Besides this, we host a yearly symposium on what’s going on in the chemical world.

Then your future career: we try to offer you a sneak peak in as many different career paths as possible. These can take the form of excursions to interesting companies or a lecture from a guest speaker explaining how they got where they are. Besides these, we organise trainings for soft skills such as a training in collaborating with your teammates or a LinkedIn training.

Additionally, we organise a wide range of social activities. These can be big ones, such as our annual Christmas Dinner or End Of The Year BBQ, but we also do smaller activities like a pool tournament or a pubquiz. Besides this we have a social drink every Friday from 4-10 at the faculty.

Finally, we have a space called the “Members’ Lounge”. The lounge is kind of a living room at the faculty where you can get a cup of coffee between lectures, chill out for a moment if you take a break from studying or try to find someone who can help you if you’re stuck with a tough subject.

All in all, we are here to help you in your studies or elsewhere. We look forward to meeting you on the Faculty Introduction Day and hope that we can play a part in the great time you will have while studying in the amazing city that is Groningen.

Kind regards,

The Board of De Chemische Binding

Last modified:15 June 2023 10.21 a.m.