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Welcome to your Programme

Dear MSc students astronomy,

Welcome to the MSc astronomy program ! On behalf of the lecturers of the program astronomy it is a great pleasure to welcome you to your MSc study astronomy at the University of Groningen.

You have embarked on one of the most exciting journeys on offer, a journey throughout the Universe, and a journey from the beginning of time until the Universe 13.8 billion years later. It will be a 2 year period full of exciting, and challenging aspects. The foundation in knowledge and skills in physics, astronomy, mathematics and computer science that you acquired during your BSc studies will expand into the rich and complex realm of the many diverse and exciting branches of astronomy.

It is during your MSc astronomy that you will receive the training towards a professional astronomer. You will combine your knowledge and skills into exploring the richness of the cosmos, exemplified by a wide range of lectures deepening your insight into the structure and processes in our cosmos.

Most outstanding, you will embark on year long true journey of discovery as you delve into your MSc thesis project. You will feel the excitement of discovering new knowledge about our universe, and finish as a fully equipped scientist. Ready to make the step towards a PhD project or, based on the extensive range of technical, data analysis, computer and social skills, equip yourself for a wide range of interesting career perspectives.

Nearly all of the MSc program options are embeded in the Quantum Universe master program, that we share with our physics colleagues. During your MSc you will therefore keep contact with your physics colleagues. Both in terms of lectures, and certainly in terms of your MSc research project, you will spend most time at the Kapteyn Astronomical Institute. As MSc student you will become a member of the family of astronomers at the institute, turning it into your home for your cosmic journey in the coming years ...

We wish you success, and a wonderful time on your path towards the MSc degree astronomy,

on behalf of the astronomy staff,

Rien van de Weijgaert

(program and education director BSc and MSc astronomy)

Last modified:30 June 2023 1.41 p.m.