In your own time and at your own pace enjoy the electronic learning content and resources offered below. We offer FSE specific training developed by the CLT and also direct you to other UG offered e-learning.
CLT E-learning
Developing Intercultural Competences
Through this module, instructors, staff, and students can acquire intercultural competences.
A link to enrolment for this module will appear soon!
Coming soon:
Blended Learning
Assessment and Feedback
UG E-Learning
Critical AI Literacy Module
The aim of this self-paced eLearning course is to help you develop a critical awareness of generative AI models. In this course you will learn about what Artificial Intelligence (AI) is, how Generative AI models work, why their content should not be treated as a single source of truth, what their ethical implications might be, and how they can be used in the educational process.
This course can be completed by anyone seeking to improve their Critical AI Literacy, whether they are a student or a teacher. Each unit covers a certain topic, and consists of an introductory video, explanatory text, images, and quizzes that you can use to test your understanding of the topics covered in a unit.
The Inclusive Teacher
Learn how to make your teaching more inclusive. In this self-paced eLearning course, you can choose to do several units, depending on your interests and needs. In each unit, you’ll be offered tools and techniques that are easy to implement and supported by research and real-life evidence.
Successful PhD Supervision
Discover some essential supervision skills and strategies to help you support your PhD candidate on their journey to success.
Brightspace Instructor Training
In this course you will follow a self-paced training which will introduce you to the basic functionalities of the UG’s Learning Management System, Brightspace. Topics that will be covered are tips for teaching, publishing content, evaluating your students, and personalizing your Brightspace and course. You can click along with the instructions in your sandbox course.
Last modified: | 12 December 2024 1.07 p.m. |