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MOBI-TWIN: Twin transition and changing patterns of spatial mobility: a regional approach

25 July 2023

The MOBI-TWIN project, a recently launched initiative funded by the European Union, sets out to redefine regional attractiveness in the context of significant global transition processes such as the green and digital transition – known as the Twin Transition. The project aims to analyse the changing drivers of spatial mobility and examine the effects of twin transitions on regional attractiveness and human (im)mobility.

The University of Groningen will be involved in the spatial microsimulation and agent-based modelling of the processes underpinning migration. Using these state-of-the-art methods from computational social sciences, each pilot’s population will be simulated and comparisons can be made for different Twin-Transition scenarios. The Groningen-based research team will be led by Professor Dimitris Ballas (Department of Economic Geography, Faculty of Spatial Sciences) working closely together with Dr Richard Rijnks (Department of Planning, Faculty of Spatial Sciences) and Dr Wander Jager (Center for Social Complexity Studies / University College Groningen).

Opportunities and challenges

The driving force behind MOBI-TWIN lies in the recognition that the twin transition presents both opportunities and challenges for regions across Europe. As certain areas become more alluring due to the emerging prospects brought forth by the green and digital revolution, others risk being left behind. By utilising advanced information and computer modeling techniques, MOBI-TWIN seeks to comprehensively understand the impact of these changes on different regions of Europe and develop innovative policies that promote balance and inclusivity by harnessing the positive effects of Twin Transition.

A primary focus of MOBI-TWIN is to unravel the underlying factors that influence individuals' decisions to relocate and how these factors may evolve in response to global changes. By analysing various types of moves, including permanent relocations, commuting patterns, and temporary stays, the project aims to gain insights into the intricate dynamics and implications for different European regions. MOBI-TWIN employs a specialised computer model to simulate the potential outcomes of people's mobility in the face of the Twin Transition. MOBI-TWIN aims to propose policies that harness the positive aspects of these changes and maximise the benefits for different areas. Of particular importance is the examination of how the disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and Brexit have affected freedom of movement between EU regions.


The MOBI-TWIN project will continue until May 2026. It brings together a consortium of 9 partners: White Research SRL , Aristotelio Panepistimio Thessalonikis , Rijksuniversiteit Groningen , Universitat de Barcelona , Helsingin Yliopisto , Fondation Europeenne de la Science , Politecnico di Milano , Erevnitiko Panepistimiako Institouto Periferiakis Anaptixis , Acceligence Ltd. MOBI-TWIN has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement N° 101094402, with a total budget of 2.91 million euros.

More information: Twitter ( @MobiTwinProject ) and LinkedIn (@mobi-twin-project-heu ) .

Last modified:25 July 2023 1.12 p.m.
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