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2018 AESOP Excellence in Teaching Award for Global Course on Institutional Design and Spatial Planning

16 July 2018

The Global Course on Institutional Design and Spatial Planning has received 2018 AESOP Excellence in Teaching Award. AESOP is the Association of European Schools of Planning, established in 1987. The award’s purpose is to encourage planning schools to apply new pedagogical approaches, technologies and learning techniques in ways which enhance the theories, knowledge and skills necessary for good planning practice. The award provides an important opportunity to disseminate new and high quality teaching practices among European planning schools. The Global Course provided the ultimate Intercultural Classroom.

Students are exposed to different world-views, opinions, interpretations, cultures, and ways to work. Students learn from this experience and are more prepared and equipped to work in diverse planning practice environments throughout the globe. These aspects were achieved with the creation of a digital environment – a course website – thus replication by other institutions could be simple, easy and low budget. The Global Course is offered jointly with universities in Seattle, Newcastle, Beijing and Tokyo.

Global Course
Global Course
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