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Reappointment professor Agnes van den Berg

22 December 2016

The board of 'Stichting Leerstoelen Natuurmonumenten' and the Faculty of Spatial Sciences, authorised by the Board of the University, have decided to reappoint Agnes van den Berg as professor of perception and evaluation of nature and landscape. The reappointment runs for a period of five years. The chair is part of the department of Cultural Geography.

Professor Van den Berg is one of the Netherlands' pioneers in the field of research into perception of nature and health. Van den Berg sees the renewal and extension of the chair as an important recognition for the field. The coming years she wants to concentrate on the further unraveling of the mechanisms that underlie the positive effects of nature on health and wellness. She will also continue to work for better integration and utilization of the health effects of nature in the health and structure of the daily environment.

Last modified:26 February 2020 09.40 a.m.
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