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Prof. Inge Hutter new Rector ISS in The Hague

25 February 2015

Starting in August, professor Inge Hutter will be the new rector of the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) in The Hague. ISS focuses on policy-oriented critical social science and was founded in 1952. The Institute in The Hague is part of the Erasmus University in Rotterdam.

Prof. Inge Hutter
Prof. Inge Hutter

Hutter is currently Dean and Professor of Demography at the Faculty of Spatial Sciences in Groningen, where she has been working since 1990. As Dean she is also director of URSI, the Urban and Regional Studies Institute, of the faculty, which conducts research in demography, planning and geography. Hutter has studied anthropology and demography in Utrecht and Groningen. She did her PhD research in Groningen, on the diet of women during pregnancy and welfare of their children in rural South India. Hutter has done research in India, Cameroon and Malawi and supervised PhD researchers from Ghana, India, Tanzania, Bangladesh, Pakistan and the Netherlands. She is also involved in HAPS, Healthy Ageing, Population & Society, a joint project of the Faculty of Spatial Sciences, the Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences and the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG).

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Last modified:07 January 2021 10.27 a.m.
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