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Japanese students on water management excursion

09 September 2015

As a contribution to the annual summer programme of Osaka University (Japan) at the University of Groningen, the Faculty of Spatial Sciences delivered a water management excursion. The excursion presented and discussed historic infrastructure to deal with flooding - for example, dikes and terps. The field trip also discussed in detail the components of the so-called Zuiderzee project, the multidimensional project as originally presented by Cornelis Lely. Finally, the expected consequences of climate change were discussed and shown. The photo shows the excursion guide, Paul van Steen from the Faculty of Spatial Sciences, with the group in front of a windmill in the town of Sloten in Friesland.

Osaka students on excursion in Friesland
Osaka students on excursion in Friesland
Last modified:09 September 2015 10.54 a.m.
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