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Safety and supervision during introduction period

  • How does the University of Groningen ensure that introduction periods take place as safely and responsibly as possible?

    The University of Groningen considers it of great importance that new students can enjoy an educational and fun introduction period that takes place in a safe and responsible manner. Unfortunately, in the past excesses have occurred in which the safety or health of new students was threatened.

    This led to the foundation of the Advisory Committee for Introduction periods and Incidents (ACII) in 1998. ACII is a joint committee of the University of Groningen and the Hanze University of Applied Sciences. It advises the organizations involved, e.g. the 'KEI week', student associations and study associations, on their introduction programmes.

    ACII annually assesses the introduction programmes of the parties involved and provides them with advice. Particular attention will be paid to the safety aspects:

    • the number of consecutive nightly hours set aside to sleep in,
    • the number of supervisors that must be present during excursions or events,
    • rules to prevent alcohol abuse.

    In Groningen ACII's advisory task is considered satisfactory; there is mutual confidence. In the past few years the quality of the safety manuals has improved as well as risk awareness and the responsibilities of societies and clubs concerning the introduction activities for new students.

  • Where can students and parents/guardians lodge a complaint about introduction periods?

    On the Reporting incident page you can find a form with which you can lodge a complaint to ACII.
  • What will be done with my complaints?

    When ACII receives a complaint, the committee will contact the person who lodged the complaint. In addition, a meeting with the representatives of the society, club or organization in question will be set up in order to discuss the complaint.

    All complaints will be taken seriously and therefore all complaints will be discussed.

    The committee will decide upon the sanctions for each complaint, depending on its seriousness.
  • Who are the ACII members?

    An overview of the ACII members can be found on the Advisory Committee for Introductory Periods and Incidents (ACII) page.
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