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Spatial Sciences: Graduating 'Cum Laude' or 'Summa Cum Laude'

The Examination Committee of Spatial Sciences decides to add a distinction to the Bachelor's/Master's diploma.
The conditions for a distinction are the following:
a. the grade of the Bachelor's project/Master's thesis has to be at least 8.0 for the distinction cum laude and at least 9.0 for the distinction summa cum laude.
b. the not rounded off weighed average of all parts of the education program (the Bachelor's project/Master's thesis excluded) is at least 8.0 for the cum laude and at least 9.0 for the summa cum laude destinction.
No cum laude or summa cum laude distinction is awarded when the size of exemptions in EC totals more than 50% of the total size in EC of the complete bachelor's/master's program.
For any distinction it is conditional that candidates went up for examinations for program parts only once.
For any distinction it is conditional that no grade for the separate program parts has been lower than 7.0.

For students who started their study before September 2010  the regulation applies that was given in the study guide and examination regulations applying to that study year.

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