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About us Faculty of Spatial Sciences Education Bachelor student Counselling and advice Binding Study Advice (BSA) Consequences of BSA for registration and deregistration

I am registered for several programmes

  • I am enrolled in more than one study programme. Do I have to get 45 points for both courses?

    The University of Groningen believes it is important that good students should have the choice to follow two (or more) programmes, but it is too much to ask for students to meet the BSA standard for both programmes.

    If you have met the BSA standard for one of the degree programmes, the obligation to meet the standard for other degree programs lapses that year. After you have completed the propaedeutic phase, you no longer have to meet the BSA obligation when enrolling in other programmes.

    Please contact the study advisor.
  • What happens if I follow several courses and I do not get 45 points in any of them?

    If you follow several programs, but none of the programs meet the BSA standard, you will receive a negative BSA for all programs for which you are registered.

    Please contact the study advisor.
  • How many credits do I have to earn if I register for a second degree program after 1 February?

    If you register for a second program after 1 February, the regular standard applies: at the end of the academic year, you must have met the BSA standard for one of the two programmes.

    Please contact the study advisor.
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