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About us Faculty of Spatial Sciences Education Bachelor student Counselling and advice Binding Study Advice (BSA)

Consequences of BSA for registration and deregistration

  • For how long can I not enroll in a study program if I have received a BSA?

    A negative BSA is issued for a period of two years starting on 1 September of the following academic year.

    If you receive a negative BSA at the end of the 2019-2020 academic year, you may not register for the relevant Bachelor's program from 1 September 2020 for a period of two years.

    Please contact the study advisor.

  • I am registered for several programmes

  • I register during the academic year

  • I want to stop, will I still receive a BSA?


    Deregister before March 1
    The 1 March date is used in the BSA regulation as a benchmark for deregistration from the programme. If a first-year student has deregistered from the program before 1 March, no BSA will be issued for that program and a student may, in principle, start the same or related study again in the following year. The previous results will stand.

    Please note: if the student wants to switch programs in the same academic year, see the section on 'switching programs within the UG' below.

    A student who deregisters before 1 March and re-enrols the following year for the same study (or a study from the same cluster) starts again with a 'clean slate'. This student must therefore, just like a 'pure' first-year student, meet the BSA standard of 45 ECTS in the year of re-enrolment.

    Please note: this principle is only possible once per study programme. If a student deregisters for the second time from the same degree program before or on 1 March, a Binding Study Advice will follow at the end of that academic year.

    It is important that this concerns the date on which the student was deregistered and not the date on which the student submits the request. The request for deregistration must therefore be submitted to Studielink no later than February.

    Unsubscribe after March 1
    A student who deregisters from the degree program or the UG after 1 March will receive a BSA for the degree program in which he was enrolled in the first semester.

    Education Executive Agency (DUO)
    The DUO has a '1 February regeling'. Under this statutory regulation, students receive their student travel product and any supplementary grant as a gift if they terminate their student grant before 1 February. This is not the case if a student deregisters as of 1 March and the student travel product and any supplementary grant are then also discontinued. To be eligible for DUO's 1 February scheme, a student must therefore take into account that student finance and student travel products will be terminated before or as of 1 February with DUO.

    This DUO regulation only applies to students who are enrolled for the first time in a higher education programme. The used student finance months are deducted from the total number of months to which a student is entitled. It is important that this concerns the date on which the student was deregistered and not the date on which the student submits the request. The request for deregistration must therefore be submitted to Studielink no later than January.

    Please contact the study advisor.

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