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Application procedure

  • How can I submit my application for the Graduation Fund?

    You can submit your request via the Graduation Fund Student system. Here, you can also upload the required documentary evidence.

    More information can be found on the Graduation Fund page of the Student Portal (log in with P- or S-number).
  • Can I follow the status of my application?

    You can follow the status of your request via the the Graduation Fund Student system. This is where you can see whether your request is being dealt with or whether some documentary evidence is missing.

    More information can be found on the Graduation Fund page of the Student Portal (log in with P- or S-number).
  • When will I be sent the decision of the Board of the University?

    The Board of the University must make a decision within 8 weeks of submission of the digital application.
  • What should I do if I disagree with the decision?

    You can appeal against the decision issued by the Board of the University.

    The objection procedure is set out at the bottom of the Board's decision. Here you can also find the deadline for lodging the objection.

    Make an appointment with a student counsellor if you need help with your appeal.
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