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What should I do if, according to Studielink, my personal details cannot be checked by DUO?

Verification personal details in Studielink

In order to create a Studielink account your personal details must first be verified.

Do you have a Dutch residential address?

If you have an official home address in the Netherlands, you must create an account by logging in with your DigiD. Your personal details are automatically verified via DigiD.

Do you not have a DigiD?

If you do not have a DigiD and cannot apply for a DigiD, your identity will need to be verified by another means in order to create a Studielink account. You must upload a scan or photo of you passport or European identity card in Studielink, where its legitimacy and completeness will be checked.

If you are unable to scan your ID or if you run into other difficulties, please check the Verification personal details & Studielink page or report your issue to Studielink.

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