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Matching aan de RUG

  • What is matching and why do I need to participate in it?

    It is stated by law that prospective students must be given the opportunity to participate in matching after registering for a study without selection. Too many students terminate their studies in the first year, often because they did not have a good idea of what the study entailed. By participating in matching activities, you get a realistic idea of the study and you have the possibility to check your expectations. Does the study that I have chosen suit me? And do I fit in with the study? Does the programme match my interests and abilities?

    For some study programmes of the faculties of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Medical Sciences, Law and Science and Engineering, matching is mandatory to be admitted. More information on the matching procedure at your faculty can be found on the matching webpage.
  • What does matching look like?

    The matching procedure differs per faculty. You will receive more information about the procedure if you applied for a Bachelor's degree programme via Studielink before 1 May.

    More information can be found on the Matching at the UG page of our website.
  • Is 'matching' the same as selection?

    Matching is not the same as selection. The idea behind matching is to activate prospective students to think carefully about whether the chosen study programme actually fits him/her. The results of the matching procedure are not binding, whereas the results of selection are binding.

    More information about the matching procedure can be found on the Matching at the UG page of our website.

    More information about the selection procedure for fixed quota programmes can be found on the Selection and placement page of our website.

  • Do all Bachelor's degree programmes have 'Matching' activities?

    All degree programmes offer the opportunity to participate in Matching activities, but it is not obligatory at every Faculty. It is mandatory for the following programmes / faculties:
    • Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences (excluding Pedagogical Sciences & AOLB)
    • Faculty of Law
    • Faculty of Medical Sciences (the BSc Human Movement Sciences)
    • Faculty of Science and Engineering
    • Faculty of Spatial Sciences (the BSc Spatial Planning and Design)
    The fixed-quota programmes do not have Matching activities. These programmes have a different procedure.

    More information about the procedure for fixed-quota programmes can be found on the Selection and placement page of our website.
  • When do the matching days take place?

    Most study programmes have their matching days in June, some programmes (partly) earlier in the year. An overview of all dates can be found on the Matching at the UG page.
  • What if I am not able to attend a matching day?

    Participation in matching is not mandatory, with the exception of the faculties of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Medical Sciences, Law, Science and Engineering and Philosophy. The fixed quota programmes at these Faculties have no Matching activities, for these programmes a different procedure applies. In the event that you cannot participate in the matching day, please make sure to inform the study programme. The study programme then determines what will happen next.
  • Can I participate in multiple matching days if I am interested in 2 study programmes?

    This is possible, given that the dates do not overlap.
  • What if the programme doesn't suit me?

    If, after participating in matching, you find out that the programme doesn't suit you, you will have to reconsider your decision. In case you need any help with this, you can contact the Student Service Center (SSC). In addition, every study programme has a study advisor, that can help you with answering your questions in regard to the programme.
  • What can I do if I have more questions regarding my study choice prior to or after the matching procedure?

    If you have any further questions regarding study choice, you can contact the Student Service Centre (SSC). They can help you with answering your questions.

    Contact details can be found on the Student Service Centre page.
  • When have I met the requirements of the study choice check?

    You have met the requirements of the study choice check as soon you have participated in all matching activities and you have received a study choice advice. In order to meet the requirements of the study choice check, it doesn't matter whether you have received an orange or a green advice.
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