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Can I apply for an additional resit?

Generally not, since there is a regular exam and a resit for every course. In case of special circumstances contact the study advisor (study.advice.fss This predominantly applies to unforeseen and unpreventable personal circumstances. This includes illness, disability, or unpleasant family matter. If these circumstances occur, they should be mentioned to the study advisor as soon as possible. Lack of time and financial consequences are - on their own - no reason that an exception will be approved.

The following route should be followed when you suspect you might be eligible for an exception.
1. Discuss with the study advisor. If they believe you are indeed eligible:
2. Send an email to the Board of Examiners ( Explain the circumstances that might lead to you being an exception to the regular rules.

It is no use asking the lecturer; lecturers can only make an exception if they receive permission from the Board of Examiners. 

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