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Veni research grant for Ronnie Hermens

28 July 2017
Ronnie Hermens
Ronnie Hermens

A Veni research grant has been awarded to Ronnie Hermens by the NWO (The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research) for his project: Did curiosity kill the cat?

Short summary:
Schrödinger discovered that, if we take quantum mechanics literally, cats can be alive and dead at the same time. Though a non-literal reading seems preferable, recent research indicates that such a reading is untenable. In this project the precise implications of that research are investigated.

Ronnie Hermens successfully defended his PhD thesis Philosophy of quantum probability, supervised by Jan-Willem Romeijn, on 25 January 2016.

NWO press release 2017 Veni grants (28 July 2017)

This article was published by the Faculty of Philosophy.

Last modified:14 May 2021 4.16 p.m.
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