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Lisa Herzog wins Philosophy and Social Ethics Award

19 September 2019
Lisa Herzog (Photo: Paula Winkler)

A €100,000 grant has been awarded to Dr Lisa Herzog, who will join the UG Faculty of Philosophy in October, by the Max Uwe Redler Stiftung. The foundation supports the humanities by awarding the Deutsche Preis für Philosophie und Sozialethik to a contemporary philosopher every two years since 2014.

The jury celebrates Herzog's ability to apply her scientific research to today's societal challenges. Next to her books and articles for a more specialist audience, she has written books that appeal to a large audience: the jury mentions in particular Freiheit gehört nicht nur den Reichen (Freedom is Not for the Rich Only, 2014) and Die Rettung der Arbeit. Ein Politischer Aufruf (Salvaging Labour, A Political Plea, 2019).

Lisa Herzog will join the Faculty of Philosophy in Groningen as Rosalind Franklin Fellow as of October, 1st. She will be one of the leading people in the Centre for Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE) and will teach courses on PPE in the Faculty's PPE Master programme. The Faculty congratulates Lisa on this magnificent award and is proud to welcome her as our new colleague.

More information

Press release Max Uwe Redler Stiftung (in German)

This article was published by the Faculty of Philosophy.

Last modified:14 May 2021 4.16 p.m.
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