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ESPF/PPE Workshop 'The Moral Roles of Organizations and Their Members'

When:We 29-05-2024 09:30 - 17:00
Where:Faculty of Philosophy

COFFEE 09.00-09.15

9.15-10.00 Wim Dubbink: On Fulfilling your Organizational Role as Play Actor. Making Room for Moral Freedom in Organizations

10.00-10.45 Niels de Haan and Frank Hindriks: In Praise of Collective Agents


11.00-11.45 Job de Grefte: Individual and Collective Corporate Responsibility

11.45–12.30 Fabian Corver: Methodological Interpretivism and Collective Agency

LUNCH 12.30–13.15

13.15–14.00 Michael Eigner: Corporate Moral Uneasiness

14.00–14.45 Frank Hindriks: The Corporation: Private or Public?


ESPF / PPE Colloquium

15.15–17.00 Stephanie Collins: Firms as Illegitimate Agents of Justice

If you would like to participate, please contact Michael Eigner (m.eigner and let him know your dietary requirements (lunch is included). The deadline for registration is May 22.

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