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Workshop Multimodal Argumentation #2 in Groningen

From:Th 13-06-2024
Until:Fr 14-06-2024
Where:Noordamzaal, Muntinggebouw, Grote Kruisstraat/Nieuwe Kijk in't Jatstraat, Groningen, The Netherlands

Multimodal Argumentation #2: Bridging Linguistics, Semiotics and Philosophy

13-14 June 2024, University of Groningen, The Netherlands. The Noordamzaal is a lecture hall in the Munting Building (Muntinggebouw) at Grote Kruisstraat/Nieuwe Kijk in't Jatstraat, 9712 TS Groningen.

More information:

This is an onsite event, a live stream will not be available. Registration for participation in Groningen is possible until 10 June via the form linked on the website.

Organisers: Janina Wildfeuer, Lotte van Poppel, Dimitris Serafis, Jan Albert van Laar

Further information: j.a.van.laar

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