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The role of universities in geopolitical conflicts

When:Th 27-06-2024 17:00 - 19:00

The wars in Ukraine and Gaza have had terrible consequences for the affected local populations. At the same, these conflicts have also put pressures on universites: some members of the university community are very vocal about their views on these conflicts, some demand the university to take a stance in various ways, some occupy university buildings or squares. The important question this raises for us as a university is: (How) Should our university position itself with respect to international conflicts, like the one in Ukraine or Gaza?

We will discuss this question with students and faculty members who have a diverse set of views on this question. Short pitches will be presented by

  • Chris Csölle (BSc student psychology & philosophy of a specific discipline)

  • Wally van der Laan (MA student medicine, philosophy, political science and economics)

  • Caitlin Ryan (Assistant Professor, Faculty of Arts)

  • Marieke van Vugt (Assistant Professor, Faculty of Science and Engineering)

  • Ronald van Raak (Professor Erasmian Values, University of Rotterdam)

The discussion will be moderated by Marc Pauly (Faculty of Philosophy).

Everyone is welcome to join the discussion.

Location: Usva / Date: Thursday, June 27th, 5-7pm

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