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Anat Schechtman: Locke's Theory of Quantity

When:Th 26-11-2020 17:00 - 18:30

GCMEMT Webinar meeting with Anat Schechtman (Wisconsin)

Abstract: My aim in this paper is to formulate and critically examine Locke’s view of quantity. I argue for three claims. First, in the Essay Locke endorses a theory of quantity consisting in a set of principles governing quantities (which I dub 'Parthood', 'Order', and 'Addition'). Second, this theory plays an important role in Locke's corpuscularianism, his reading of Newton’s Principia, and his empiricist account of infinity. Third, Locke's theory of quantity is continuous with the account of quantity developed by Aristotle and endorsed by central figures in the medieval Aristotelian tradition; indeed, reading Locke against this background provides a more complete and nuanced understanding of his position.

Please register by sending an email to Laura Georgescu and you will receive the google meet link.

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