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Conference by Women in Philosophy 2019

When:Mo 24-06-2019 10:00 - 17:30
Where:Faculty of Philosophy, rooms Alfa, Beta, Gamma, Omega and the Aquarium

The goal of this conference is to provide a platform for undergraduate and graduate women philosophers to present their work to their peers. In this way we hope to create an opportunity for young women philosophers to inspire and motivate one another and to forge potentially productive alliances. We have a great number of women philosophers present papers on a wide variety of topics.

Keynote: Heather Widdows: Understanding the Rising Demands of Beauty

Heather Widdows is a leading international researcher across applied ethics. In 2005 she was awarded a visiting fellowship at Harvard University, where she worked on issues of moral neo-colonialism. She has led a number of funded projects on issues of property in the body; reproductive rights; human tissue; war on terror; and ownership and governance of the genome. Heather's current research explores the moral philosophy of beauty. Her keynote lecture will be taken from her latest book, published in May 2018 ‘Perfect Me: Beauty as an Ethical Ideal’.

View the full programme and more information on our website

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