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Summer School: Collegium Spinozanum

When:Tu 07-07-2015
Where:Faculty of Philosophy, Room Omega

An International Summer School on Spinoza and Spinozisms in Their Historical and Philosophical Context (Level: Master, PhD and Postdoc)

From 7 to 10 July 2015, the Faculty of Philosophy will host a Summer School entirely focused on Spinoza and Spinozisms in their historical and philosophical context. The summer school is intended for graduate students (Master's and PhD) and post-docs, whose research is significantly connected to Spinoza’s thought. During morning sessions, established scholars in several different areas of Spinoza studies will offer seminars on some of the frontier research topics in the field. Afternoon sessions will consist of discussions of selected papers presented by students. The overall aim of this summer school is to foster interactions and discussions among researchers at different stages of their career, and spark new suggestions for the ongoing debates on Spinoza’s philosophy.

Coordinator: Andrea Sangiacomo

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