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The Art of Gesture: Returning Narrative and Movement to Images

When:Th 27-03-2014 18:00 - 20:00
Where:Faculty of Arts, Harmony building, Marie Lokezaal

Lecture by Josef Früchtl (University of Amsterdam). Respondents: René Boomkens (University of Amsterdam); Annie van den Oever (University of Groningen).
This is the third episode of the lecture series Thinking Cinema: New Approaches in Film Philosophy .

A philosophical aesthetics of cinema has to refer to the narrative and ontological levels in equal measure. Based on Clint Eastwood’s Flags of Our Fathers (2006), I want to show in a paradigmatic way that the ontology of film consists of restoring a still image into the dynamic space of movement, and giving back the story to a picture. This constitutes a philosophy of film that takes film as an art of gesture. Read more....

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